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Days to go to

Ramadhan el- Mubarak

The purpose of fasting is manifold. Allah (the God Almighty) mentioned in the Holy Book of the Muslims, Quran, that the fasting is prescribed for the believers as it was prescribed for the people before them, so that they may acquire self control and God-consciousness.

Therefore, the purpose of the fasting is to develop God-consciousness, self-control, improvement of health by reducing or eliminating impurities from the body, and to become aware of the plight of the poor, hungry, and the sick. Ramadan is a month of spiritual consciousness and high sense of social responsibility. The fulfillment of one's obligations during the month is rewarded by 70 times.


In view of the long hours of fasting, we should consume slow digesting foods including fiber containing-foods rather than fast-digesting foods. Slow digesting foods last up to 8 hours, while fast-digesting foods last for only 3 to 4 hours.

  • Slow-digesting foods are foods that contain grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils, whole meal flour, unpolished rice, etc. (called complex carbohydrates).
  • Fast-burning foods are foods that contain sugar, white flour, etc. (called refined carbohydrates).
  • Fiber-containing foods are bran-containing foods, whole wheat, grains and seeds, vegetables like green beans, peas, sem (papry), marrow, corn, spinach, and other herbs like methie (fenugreek seeds), the leaves of beet root (iron-rich), fruit with skin, dried fruit especially dried apricots, figs and prunes, almonds, etc. The foods eaten should be well-balanced, containing foods from each food group, i.e. fruits, vegetables, meat/chicken/fish, bread/cereals and dairy products. Fried foods are unhealthy and should be limited. They cause indigestion, heart-burn, and weight problems.

  • Complex carbohydrates at suhur so that the food lasts longer making you less hungry.
  • Dates are excellent source of sugar, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium.
  • Almonds are rich in protein and fiber with less fat.
  • Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates.

As much water or fruit juices as possible between Iftar (breakfast) and bedtime so that your body may adjust fluid levels in time.

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